Fagfog Quartzite Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Katmandu region (Lesser Himalayan succession)
Lithology and Thickness
Arita et al. (1973, p. 107) defined this formation as white quartzites, ranging from colloidal varieties of fine chert to impure coarse quartz arenites with infrequent reddish and pale orange tints. The Fagfog Quartzite shows graded bedding, cross-lamination, and spectacular wave and current ripple marks. It also includes some thin (10–20 cm) gray-green phyllite and black slate intercalations. In many places, there are three quartzite bands separated by phyllites. Nanda (1973) reported some thin metabasic bands in the Fagfog Quartzite. The Fagfog Quartzite is about 350 m thick at its type locality, but its thickness varies widely. This formation was deposited round 1.7 Ga (Martin et al. 2011).
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Martin (2017) interprets a major discontinuity (ca. 100 Myr) at the top of the underlying Kuncha Fm to the Fagfog Quartzite Fm,
Upper contact
With a thin zone of alternating phyllites and quartzites, the Fagfog Quartzite grades into the overlying Dandagaon Phyllites Fm. However, Martin (2017) implies a significant hiatus at their contact.
Regional extent
Depositional setting
Additional Information